GHv3 - Instructions

The GHv3 is one of our high end boards. It has great features and fonts pre-installed and it can also be edited on the go (unlike a Proffie board which requires programming on a computer).


  • Smooth Swing (the sound when moving/swinging the saber around)
  • Flash on Clash (a clash when hitting the blade)
  • Blaser (a blaster bullet effect hitting the blade)
  • Force Effect (a special force feature relating to the font you are on)
  • Lockup (a feature simulating blades locking)
  • Fonts (different character/hero/custom sounds with matching blade styles, colours and features relating to that font)
  • Motion Controls
  • On the Fly Editing (edit bladestyles, colours, motion controls without any programming required)


  • Powering on - Press the button once to power on
  • Igniting Blade - Press the button and release
  • Retracting Blade - Hold the button (while ignited)
  • Blaster - Quick press of the button (while ignited)
  • Force Push/Effect (while ignited) - The options below depend if the force effect is set to twist or swing
    1. Hold the button and twist
    2. Hold the button and swing
  • Lockup (while ignited) - The options below depend if the lockup is set to twist or clash
    1. Hold the button for 1 second, release and twist
    2. Hold the button for 1 second, release and clash
  • Blaster Blocks (while ignited) - The options below depend if the blaster mode is set to button click or button click + swinging
    1. A quick press of the button for single blaster effect
    2. Press the button to do a blaster effect, release and swing immediately to keep the blaster block activated. If no swing is performed for 2 seconds the blade will return to normal
  • Changing Fonts (while not ignited):
1) Hold the button for 1 second and release while facing the tip upwards.
2) Rotate the saber clockwise or anticlockwise or quickly press the button to cycle through fonts.
3) Click and hold the button to select font you want.
  • Volume (while not ignited)
    1) Hold the button for 1 second and release while facing the tip downwards.
    2) Rotate the saber clockwise or anticlockwise to turn the volume up or down.
    3) Press the button to select the volume.


    To get in to the saber editor, hold the button while facing the tip downwards and twist the hilt. To cycle through the options below press the button until you are on the option you want to edit.

    To enter the menu you are on, hold the button. Cycle through different options by twisting the hilt clockwise or anti-clockwise. Press the button again to select your option.

    Menu options are:

    • Colour Profile
    • Pixel Number
    • Ignition Type
    • Retraction Type
    • Ignition Speed
    • Retraction Speed
    • Battle Configuration (Blaster Block, Force Push, Lockup)

    When in this menu, press the button to cycle through blaster block, force push/effect and lockup. To edit each one, twist the hilt clockwise or anticlockwise when on the selected option.

      1. Blaster Block - twist anti-clockwise to set the option to a button press / twist clockwise to set to button plus swinging
      2. Force Push/Effect - twist anti-clockwise to set this option to button and twist or twist clockwise to set this option to button and swing
      3. Lockup - twist anti-clockwise to set this option to button and twist or twist clockwise to set this option to button and clash
    • Gesture Controls
    • Effect Font Slot
    • Save and Leave - after making any edits you want to navigate through the options until you hear save and leave. Hold the button and your options have now saved.

    The GHv3 Board is designed and manufactured by Sabertec. They have a whole range of helpful videos with all of the instructions on their YouTube channel which can be seen here.