09/08/2022 - Waiting times for July/August

Hi all,

Just another update for those that have placed orders with us in July/August.

First we would like to say a massive thank you for supporting our small business!

Normally the sabers take around 2 weeks to get through production however we have been running behind due to the large volume of orders that have been coming in - mainly due to the recent Obi-Wan series.

Please know that we are working around the clock to get your orders sent out and as soon as they have been sent, we will get a tracking number sent out to you. If you haven't had a tracking number then please do have patience with us while we are still sorting your order. Currently this has been between 3-4 weeks.

If you need to get hold of us then please do send an email and we will get back to you as quickly as we can. With the large volume of orders, it also means our response times are taking a little longer too so we do apologise about this.

To help speed up our work rate, we have taken on new helpers who we are currently training and we hope this will help manage future orders in a more timely manner.

Once again we apologise for the delay and thank you for your support.

May the force be with you!

ES Sabers Team


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