Hunter, the leader of Clone Force 99, also known as the Bad Batch, is a distinguished figure in the Star Wars universe, renowned for his exceptional tracking skills and strategic leadership. Recognizable by his distinctive helmet with a unique visor and enhanced sensory equipment, Hunter excels in both combat and reconnaissance missions. His advanced instincts and heightened senses make him an expert in tracking targets and executing high-stakes operations. As a leader, Hunter’s tactical acumen and unwavering loyalty to his squad underscore his critical role in navigating the challenges of the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire, highlighting his resilience and dedication.
We have printed this bust in house with our own 3D printing machine. Each bust comes raw meaning that it comes unfinished, so you can sand and paint it yourself. The bust depending on size and difficulty can come pre assembled or in parts and therefore will need to be put together.
Each 3D print is made from PLA / PLA ST / PLA+
3D Prints are printed to order so production time can take upto 14 days for DIY prints before being dispatched. DIY prints will be printed in which ever filament colour is available, so may not match the product photos.