Scout Troopers are specialised soldiers in the Star Wars universe, primarily serving the Galactic Empire. Known for their lightweight, agile armour and advanced reconnaissance equipment, these troopers excel in speed and stealth. They are often deployed for missions requiring swift manoeuvres and detailed environmental assessments, frequently using speeder bikes for rapid transportation. Recognisable by their distinctive helmets with extended visors, Scout Troopers play crucial roles in reconnaissance, infiltration, and hit-and-run tactics. Their proficiency in navigating diverse terrains and gathering intelligence makes them indispensable for Imperial operations, embodying the Empire's strategic and tactical versatility.
We have printed this bust in house with our own 3D printing machine. Each bust comes raw meaning that it comes unfinished, so you can sand and paint it yourself. The bust will come assembled.
Each 3D print is made from PLA / PLA ST / PLA+
3D Prints are printed to order so production time can take upto 14 days for DIY prints before being dispatched. DIY prints will be printed in which ever filament colour is available, so may not match the product photos.