Boba Fett, one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe, is a renowned bounty hunter known for his distinctive Mandalorian armour and fearsome reputation. Clad in a battered green and silver suit, complete with a T-shaped visor helmet and jetpack, Boba Fett is recognised for his exceptional skills in tracking and capturing high-value targets. His armour, equipped with an array of gadgets such as flamethrowers and grappling hooks, underscores his efficiency and preparedness for any mission.
Originating as an unaltered clone of the infamous bounty hunter Jango Fett, Boba emerges as a complex character driven by a personal code of honour and a desire for vengeance. His journey through the original trilogy, and his resurgence in "The Mandalorian" and "The Book of Boba Fett," showcases his resilience, resourcefulness, and enduring legacy in the galaxy. Boba Fett's mystique and lethal proficiency have cemented him as a legendary figure in the Star Wars saga.
We have printed this print in house with our own 3D printing machine. This print comes finished meaning that it comes sanded where required, assembled and painted.
Each 3D print is made from PLA / PLA ST / PLA+
Finished prints will be painted. As these are custom finished, there may be slight variations to the pictures.
3D Prints are printed to order so production time can take upto 4 weeks for complete prints to be finished before being dispatched.
The print is a non functioning toy, so is perfect for Cosplay events.